Time to Contact Your Representatives

Bills to create a non-partisan redistricting commission for Wisconsin have been introduced: SB389 in the senate, AB395 in the Assembly. That means now is the time to call your Sen/Rep. Find contact info for your district at:


When you call your legislator, expect resistance. When they say, they have to follow the WI constitution, say “Great.  The bill has been reviewed by the WI Legislative Council which determined it complies with constitutional requirements!!  So you’ll support the bill?”

When they say, they love the idea, but there’s no such thing as a non-partisan commission, you say “Luckily the bill doesn’t rely on imaginary non-partisans.  It’s equally balanced with partisans pulling against each other.  The RESULT is non-partisan!”

When they say, we’ve been doing it this way forever, why do we need to change?  You say, “With the power of computers and data now, the damage from rigging the system is much worse than the past.  And everyone can tell a crisis is brewing.”

When they say, there’s no time to implement a new process this year.  Census data came too late.  “You say, OK, then let’s pass the new bill at the same time as you pass your redistricting bill.  Have it take effect next year.”

And finally, when they say, why are you so hung up on this bill, you say, “Voters are screaming for a fair system and I need a fair system to get the support I need for my school, our environment, or whatever your passion is.”


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