TAKE ACTION – Fair Maps Legislation Introduced in State Assembly and Senate!

The Introduction of the Legislation

The bills have been introduced with bipartisan co-sponsorship by State Senator Jeff Smith (D – Eau Claire) and State Representative Deb Andraca (D – Whitefish Bay). Senate Bill 389 and Assembly Bill 395 has been co-sponsored by Republican State Representatives Joel Kitchens of Sturgeon Bay, Todd Novak of Dodgeville, and Travis Tranel of Cuba City.  

Contact Legislators in Support of the Legislation

Your voice is needed to help push this much-needed reform forward in the Wisconsin Legislature. Tell the members of the State Senate Committee on Government Operations, Legal Review and Consumer Protection to hold a hearing on the Nonpartisan Redistricting Legislation.

Here’s how to do it for maximum impact:

1. Send an email to these Committee Members:

Senator Stroebel (chair) – Sen.Stroebel@legis.wisconsin.gov

Senator Felzkowski – Sen.Felzkowski@legis.wisconsin.gov

Senator BradleySen.Bradley@legis.wisconsin.gov

Senator RoysSen.Roys@legis.wisconsin.gov

2. Copy Deb Andraca (representative introducing bill in Assembly – Rep.Andraca@legis.wisconsin.gov) and Jeff Smith (Senator introducing bill in Senate – Sen.Smith@legis.wisconsin.gov) as well as your local representatives in the assembly and the senate who you can find through this link by typing your address in the top right corner.

3. The message is to support the Nonpartisan Redistricting Legislation. Here is some simply text you can use. If you are able to provide a personally story as to why this is important to you that is even better. Writing something short and direct is better than not writing at all though.

Dear _____________________,

I am very pleased that the Nonpartisan Redistricting legislation is now in committee.  The need for this legislation in Wisconsin is critical and is already supported by 70% of Wisconsin residents.  

Please schedule a hearing on this legislation soon.  The voices for fair representation in our state need a chance to be heard.  


[Your name]
[your address]
[your phone number]

If you have any questions and/or would like assistance in contacting your legislators, do not hesitate to reach out to us.


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