Wisconsin State Journal reports: State Supreme Court sides with GOP proposal for ‘least-change’ approach to redistricting

“In a 4-3 ruling Tuesday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court agreed with Republicans that the state’s political maps for the next decade be drawn with minimal changes to the existing boundaries, increasing the likelihood of a sustained GOP legislative majority for the next 10 years.” reports the Wisconsin State Journal.

Although this news is deeply disappointing, there are still opportunities to manoeuvre a better map.

We will not give up! Join us on Thursday, December 2nd at 7 pm to continue working towards fair maps that will give our communities the voice we need to get the resources we need. Not only our community but all of us across the state.

You can register for the Western WI for Nonpartisan Voting District meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIod-mgqD0tGNb93UL40_GZ61kRQG3evCes


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