Well Water Testing in Pierce County

Residents of Pierce County! Please take advantage of this opportunity to get your water tested at a reduced rate.

Well water testing in Pierce County!

Preregister by August 13th, online, stop by the Land Conservation Office, or send check by mail.

Sample kit return on August 30th 4-6PM in Martell, Trenton, Hartland, and Trimbelle Townhalls. Once registered a kit and instructions will be mailed to you.

Visit www.co.pierce.wi.us

At the top of the page click Departments, then PUBLIC HEALTH, at the bottom click the yellow MAKE A PAYMENT button and select private well testing event from the dropdown menu

Only $35 per test kit. The test includes: bacteria, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, hardness, chloride, conductivity, corrosivity

Questions? Call 715-273-6763 or check out the website.


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