Every week, there are always updates and information that impact the change we want to make in our communities. We share resources that are related to elections, environmental issues, organizing efforts in Western Wisconsin, and more. If you want to discover these stories as we find them, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Check out the news from this week in the resources below.

This week was the primaries for the upcoming spring election. This election is especially important. Wisconsin will be electing a new state Supreme Court Justice. This new Justice will make decisions on issues such as abortion, redistricting, LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, gun issues, election laws, environmental protections, and more. The primaries this year had a record turnout! With what is at stake, we hope the same happens for the April 4th election.

Are you registered to vote? Make sure you are prepared to vote this spring by going to myvote.wi.gov

Rights group: Some clerks still telling disabled voters they can’t get help filing ballots in Wisconsin – Wisconsin State Journal

Just a reminder to voters with disabilities – you are entitled to receive help mailing or delivering absentee ballots. “The federal Voting Rights Act allows voters with disabilities to receive assistance as long as the person helping them isn’t the voter’s employer, an agent of that employer, or an officer or agent of the voter’s union.” (Schmidt). Unfortunately, some clerks in Wisconsin have been telling voters that doing so is illegal. Know your rights. Read more about this issue here.


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