Fair Maps Postal Pleas

We invite you to join us in writing postcards to legislators on the committees where the bills are currently to ask them for a hearing. Bills such as Assembly Bill 395 and Senate Bill 389 will help create Fair Maps in Wisconsin.

A hearing is the required step for the bill to be able to then come up for a vote. We are also asking our local elected officials to support the process. Join us and write postcards to your legislators!

Join us July 30 in Wilson Park, Menomonie, Wisconsin for our next event.

Then, join us August 12 at Rush River Brewing Company in River Falls, Wisconsin for more opportunities to write postcards and meet others in the fight to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

For future Postal Plea events, follow us on Facebook to get updates.

For more information on the event and how to contact your legislators, go here.


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