Bridge The Divide Kickoff Events!

Join us for a fun evening in the park to learn how we can make our democracy work better for everyone. We’re building a local movement to bring Ranked Choice Voting to Wisconsin and reduce extreme partisanship in elections to create a more representative democracy. At the event, you’ll hear from local speakers and participate in a fun election where we will use ranked choice voting to elect our favorite snack!

Exactly like how Final Five Voting works, you will vote for one snack choice in the primary election before the event. You are not required to register to attend the event, however, if you would like to participate in the primary election prior to the event, you will have to register through the links below.

There are two in-person events happening:

June 22, 6-7PM in Glen Park, River Falls, WI

June 23, 6-7PM at the Farmers Market Pavillion in Wilson Park, Menomonie, WI

For more information and to follow along with the Bridge the Divide project, follow us on Facebook:


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