I’m asking the Dunn County Board to vote “yes” on July 31st for the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Amendment for permitting Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on certain parcels.

Accessory Dwelling Units are simply small homes, 1,200 square feet or less, sometimes called “mother-in-law cottages”, that may either be a freestanding structure or an addition to an existing home. This amendment would give local residents the freedom to build ADU’s on their property in some agricultural and residential zones.

I live in the Town of Elk Mound, and I work with a local organization called Grassroots Organizing Western Wisconsin; or GROWW, for short. Starting in May, we have been knocking on doors in Dunn County to talk with people about their housing situations. Most people we’ve talked to are working full-time jobs, yet still have to pay more than a third or even sometimes half of their income to keep a roof over their heads.

In Menomonie, we talked with a mom who pays $1,300 a month for her two-bedroom apartment. During the conversation, her 12 year old daughter overheard us and stepped in to share that all she wants is her own bedroom but she knows not to get her hopes up anymore because she’s watched her parents struggle for so long.

Even our kids know there’s a housing crisis.

This amendment removes barriers to empower our local property owners to become small scale developers. Recently, we have seen the construction of large scale housing developments in Dunn County that are not affordable for many people. Instead of relying only on corporate developers to address our housing shortages, this amendment enables local people to be a part of the solution and allows for incremental growth.

Some residents may choose to rent their ADU, allowing them to generate wealth and support their family. This will keep housing revenue right here in our community instead of allowing it to flow to out-of-state real estate investment firms.

Over 60% of people who responded to the Dunn County Housing Survey reported that residences like ADUs (less than 2,000 sq ft) are the single most needed type of housing in our community, more than double any other housing option reported in the survey.

I’m hopeful for the County Board’s leadership to pass this practical and common sense solution.

Written By:
Bill Hogseth – Elk Mound
Organizing Director


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