Covid Rapid Response and Resiliency
Covid respuesta rápida y resistencia

Rapid Response & Resiliency

Have you lost income due to the COVID 19 pandemic? West CAP is responding to the needs of low-income residents with expanded services. If you are eligible we may help with:

Rent/Mortgage assistance for households at risk losing their homes or for those already made homeless

Utility assistance to keep homes safe and comfortable

Phone/Internet assistance to keep people connected and able to reach health providers

Food assistance for people to maintain their health and their children’s health

Transportation vehicle ownership support and other transportation assistance

For complete information, click here.

Incluye información en español.


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WI Voters, August 13th, we're going to the polls!

Get the info you need on our new Fair Map district lines, voting "NO" on two tricky Constitutional Amendments, and what to expect on the rest of your ballot.

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