In primary elections like the one August 13th, voter turn out is usually low – below 15%. Don’t miss this opportunity to cast your ballot – your vote is your voice building our collective power!

What’s on your ballot? 

Fair Maps – Celebrate!

For the first time in over a decade and thanks to our work and hundreds of other leaders across our state, we will be voting in fair districts. Our ballots will carry the weight they deserve in Madison. 

Check out what is on your ballot and celebrate that thanks to these new maps, we have more competitive districts and more people running for office! 

Constitutional Amendments – Vote No!

Protect fairness and representation for all Wisconsinites by voting NO on both constitutional amendments. On the back side of your ballot, you will see two deliberately confusing constitutional amendments that would create more red tape and gridlock and prevent governors from allocating emergency funding to us in WI when devastation strikes; Governor Walker allocated emergency funds in 2018 and Governor Evers in 2023.

Help us reach other voters with this important information? Join the POSTCARD CAMPAIGN. We have addresses, but please bring addresses of your members or friends who are Wisconsin voters and who may not know about this important issue.

Learn more and share this information with your friends and family!

One Stop Shop for the Aug 13th Primary Election 

At get ready for the election

  • Where Do I Vote?
  • What’s on My Ballot?
  • Register to Vote

Make Your Plan to Vote!

Need Help?

League of Women Voters Helpline 608-285-2141

Problems when voting? Wisconsin Election Protection 866-687-8683


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WI Voters, August 13th, we're going to the polls!

Get the info you need on our new Fair Map district lines, voting "NO" on two tricky Constitutional Amendments, and what to expect on the rest of your ballot.

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